Blog Archives

Fair Housing Realities: The Struggles of LGBTQ+ Residents in Chicago

Considering the oppressive history of ordinances, regulations, and practices in Chicago that perpetuated and continue to foster racially segregated communities,[1] it should come as no surprise that the LGBTQ+ community tells a similar…

From Pride to Persecution: The Plight of LGBTQ+ Russians

 INTRODUCTION In November 2023, the Russian Supreme Court categorized the “international LGBT movement” as extremist and listed it as a terrorist organization, thereby prohibiting all LGBTQ+ organizations and their activities in the nation.[1]…

Qui tam: Modern Utilization of a Historical Civil War Cause of Action

From time to time, while presiding at the trial court level, an all-together-different type of case comes along.  One such matter appeared on my docket several years back.  I was assigned to hear…

Enhancing Post-Marketing Vaccine Safety Surveillance

Vaccines have long been a key public health strategy against a variety of infectious diseases.[1] In many cases, vaccines are not only highly effective, but cost-saving.[2] This is particularly true when they prevent…

Illinois’ SAFE-T Act: Clickbait or Catastrophe?

On January 22, 2021, Governor J.B. Pritzker signed the Illinois, Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today Act (“SAFE-T Act”).[1] The purpose of the SAFE-T Act is “to establish statewide use of force standards for…

In Ticketmaster We Anti-Trust: Too Big to Fail or Failing Big?

Taylor Swift – singer,[1] songwriter,[2] actress,[3] director,[4] cat mom,[5] and now. . .the downfall of Ticketmaster?[6] During the first two weeks of November, Swifties[7] across the United States scrambled and screamed as Swift…

PFAS Bans and Restrictions are the Future

On April 21, 2022, Maryland signed the George “Walter” Taylor Act (the “Act”).[1] Named after a firefighter who lost his life after repeated exposure to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in fire-fighting foam.…

The Continuing War on Immigration: What is Operation Lone Star?

Overview of Operation Lone Star In March 2021, Texas Governor Greg Abbott launched “Operation Lone Star.”[1] According to the press release from the Governor’s Office, “[t]he Operation integrates [the Texas Department of Public…

Stopping Invasion: Is the Law A Valid Weapon?

After nearly one month and three weeks of intense fighting, the conflict in Ukraine harkens back to the last World War. Military casualties are staggering, with potential losses for Ukraine currently above 1,300…

Economic Sanctions in International Law: Venezuela’s Conundrum

  I. Introduction The Congressional Research Service defines economic sanctions as “coercive economic measures taken against a target to bring about a change in behavior. . .[S]anctions can include . . . trade…

SCOTUS’ Shadow Docket Coming Out of the Shadows

In August 2021, SCOTUS issued two of its most important decisions of the year: Alabama Association of Realtors v. Department of Health and Human Services and Whole Woman’s Health v. Jackson.[1] Unlike most…

Illinois’ New Supreme Court Map and its Potential Lawsuits

On November 3, 2020, Illinois Supreme Court Justice Thomas Kilbride lost his bid to win retention,[1] making him the first Supreme Court justice in the State of Illinois to lose the retention vote.[2]…

Piecemeal Devourment: Academic Freedom in Hungary

Abstract: Using the case study of Hungary, the author provides a snapshot of how academic freedom can be curtailed in a hybrid illiberal regime. The focus includes the freedom to (i) do research,…

Ghost Theory