Submissions for Publication
UIC Law Review welcomes scholarly articles for publication. Please follow the format and submission requirements set out below for consideration of publication.
Call for Submissions! Heading link

UIC Law Review 2025 Symposium on Therapeutic Jurisprudence.
The UIC Law Review is now accepting submissions for its 2025 symposium issue, 58-3.
Please send your proposed abstract and a CV to the UIC Law Review Managing Editor, Derek Rhea, at, by August 16 for consideration. Questions may be directed to the Managing Editor as well.
Topic: The 58-3 symposium issue will focus on the topic of Therapeutic Jurisprudence (TJ).
TJ is an interdisciplinary field of philosophy and practice that examines the therapeutic and anti-therapeutic properties of laws and public policies, legal and dispute resolution systems, and legal institutions. TJ values psychologically healthy outcomes in legal disputes and transactions, without claiming exclusivity in terms of policy objectives. For more information on TJ, visit:
Timeline and Expectations: Authors selected for publication in 58-3 will speak at the Chicago-based, hybrid symposium on April 4, 2025. In-person attendants will be hosted at UIC School of Law, 300 S. State St., Chicago, IL 60604. Abstracts are to be submitted by August 16, 2024; however, authors are encouraged to submit their abstract prior to this deadline as UIC Law Review reserves the right to consider and select submitted abstracts on a rolling basis. Authors are expected to make a good faith effort to work with their editors to meet the following deadlines:
Aug. 16: Final Deadline for Abstract Submission
Aug. 23: Publication Agreements Signed; Introduction to Editor
Dec. 13: Author’s Full Draft Deadline to the Law Review
Dec. 27 – Feb. 7: At Least Two Rounds of Edits Between Author and Editor
Feb. 7: Editing Deadline
Feb. 21: Publication Deadline
Apr. 4: Hybrid Symposium (UIC Law, 300 S. State St., Chicago, IL)
Technical Requirements: Selected authors must submit their article by the December 13, 2024, deadline. The UIC Law Review does not have a maximum or minimum page requirement, but requests that articles be within 15-60 pages in length. Articles should be double-spaced, and submitted in 12-point, Century Schoolbook font and in Microsoft Word format. Citations should be appended as footnotes or endnotes. The UIC Law Review follows Bluebook citation style; however, the journal will work with authors to update citations from other styles. The journal accepts submissions from all scholars and practitioners, including non-law related disciplines. Editors will gladly assist authors unfamiliar with law review style writing.
Submission Options Heading link
Electronic Submissions
Submissions submitted via email must be in Microsoft Word format. Manuscripts submitted in Word Perfect format will not be accepted.
Please address all electronic submissions to the Executive Lead Articles Editor at
Mailed Submissions
Please submit all hard copy manuscripts including a CD or flash drive containing the manuscript file to:
UIC Law Review
Attn: Executive Lead Articles Editor
300 S. State St.
Chicago, Illinois 60604
Formatting Expectations Heading link
All manuscripts must be: (1) typed; (2) must not exceed 150 pages total; and (3) must include endnotes or footnotes appended to the main body.
Additional Information
Please enclose a curriculum vitae (CV), as well as an abstract of the article for our Institutional Repository along with your article submission
All citations must conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21 ed., 2020).
The copyright of any published lead article will remain with the author. The author will grant to UIC Law Review a royalty-free, irrevocable, worldwide license to publish, reproduce, sell, and distribute the article in the Journal and in any and all other media.